It is magic that waits to be noticed and yes, it is to those who look for it that magic comes. This story was given up for 'lost' and yet was found when the magic visited the doused case of words crafted in a box. 'Found' again, the story lives and it is to SHE WHO CREATES I send 'magic of the sort that suits your aches.' Thank you, JT! Live on with story ...
The twin babes broke shells hungry for their future. Tusi had just returned from a spin along the full edge of the Lake. “I hope you’re packed with edibles dear heart,” Shelela smiled to her mate perched deftly on the mud latticed roof of their home. “They are here, and they are hungry!” Two perfect Wood Crafters with head, face, feathers and grace blinked into the soft light of the late spring afternoon. The new breed of Wood Crafters, Swallows to be sure was a version of my self and my sister with an unmistakable variation found in their tail feathers. Split they are into an aerodynamically perfect “V.”
Oh but hold still a moment, before moving into the vision of our new-bies let me re-wind a bit to lay the cedar plate for your sweet tastings. Even now as I bend forward to peck at the story well on its way into the future of your grand planet Earth it is in the recall of the past deeds that makes the present. As this tale breathes into a life of future times the magical connections warrant refreshment. Do you recall the silver ring with stone of pink first glimpsed in a story of the fore? Yes, it was that same ring that split between the grand Grey pair Shemaladia of Osprey and Freeill Noa of the South that birthed twins like none before. My own dear sister and I were the first born from the promise of reckoning the smallness of beings. Shelela and your own dear story teller were the Wood Crafters first lineage of Swallows. In our fashion we have paid well the attending of grace for the littlest of details and the finest of reserved nature. Nuance and peculiarities have been my particular favorites. It pays to have such grace when it is remembering the story that is your kuleana your responsibility. My twin sister has nurtured the love of small shiny things, some as minute as grains of sand others as grand as gold specks in the eyes of a wandering witch.