Wednesday, December 30, 2009


Tree Skin


Mokihana Calizar

Copyright, 2009

Witches and crones are the dispensers of remedy. If not for the kin of Tandalori, story would be less interesting not because there would be no odyssey to recount or journey to describe. It would be the absence of humor and practical jokes that turn tragedy into a twin reality, a parallel universe where something different waits in offer. Incited with the bitter root of irony Tandalori and her coven have a recipe for destiny mortals cannot imagine. The story of Wood Crafters and mortals continues and draws on the simple phrase first canted by Travelling Frog when he used ‘the nectar of place’ as remedy for feline and canine who were far too precious to harm, yet the nature of both would have led them to destinies of edgier consequence. Put the spring water on for tea, get comfortable with quilt or sunny bonnet and listen to the tale of Tree Skin.

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